Intensive English Language Program

The Intensive English Learning Centre (IELC) provides intensive English language support for students who have newly arrived in Australia, with a language and cultural background other than English.

Students who are a refugee, migrant or approved temporary resident or students born overseas in a non-english speaking country, and have been in Australia for no more than 12 months (18 months for Junior Primary age students) are eligible to enrol in the Intensive English Learning Centre.

This program gives the students the opportunity to learn English intensively across areas of the curriculum in relatively small classes with specialist teachers and the support of bilingual classroom workers.

During their time in the program, students are taught English for social interaction and cultural understandings, as well as English language literacy skills for successful participation in all areas of school.
Students generally stay in the IELC for twelve months. After completion, students are supported to successfully continue their education at their local school.
At Paradise Primary School, the IELC is an integral part of the school with all students engaged in a variety of whole-school programs. A wide variety of activities are also provided within the school and the community, including excursions and social events.
We are committed to continuous improvement to ensure students have optimal learning opportunities and are prepared for success in their mainstream schooling. Students’ English Language development and achievement is monitored and reported upon using LEAP Levels in the progress report.

IELC Leader: Mrs Carol Ferris